Tired of getting job rejections?

Simple, Step-by-step guide to landing a job in 2024.

Join more than 2,000 students learning how to land their dream job from someone who’s been in your shoes, failed and succeeded!

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Learn How to Land Your Dream Job with Magma.

Our systems works…

We’ve helped our students land jobs at:

And many more…

Where could you end up?

Hi, I’m Matt👋

I Failed, so YOU Don’t Have to.

The truth is, I didn’t land a job at Deloitte, Microsoft or Amazon on the first try. I failed over and over again!

When I graduated from Uni, I was rejected by all my dream companies. The sad part for me was watching my friends whom I had tutored in my classes land the same jobs I was applying for. It broke me.

I felt like I was being left behind and was lost. I knew I had to make a change.

My goal? To land a job I would love.

What happened?

I saw people around me living the dream I wanted. They were my age, working at places like Google, making six figures, and actually loving their work.

I made it my mission to learn from them, their strategies and their secrets. Then, I turned that into my own job landing system.

It worked!

I created a system that helped me land a job within 1 month of applying.

I worked so hard to learn everything about the game, and I realised it wasn’t as hard as I once thought it was.

Now, my goal is to help you avoid the same mistakes I made.

What transformed me is transforming others, and it can transform you, too.

Say Hello to Your Dream Job

While we're here to help you avoid job-hunting nightmares, Magma's ultimate mission is to help you land your dream job on cloud nine🌤️. And boy, are we ready to make that dream a reality! Take a sneak peek at what we've got up our sleeves:

It’s Never too Early to Land Your Dream Job.

You Are Ready!

But I’m still studying?

That’s perfect. You shouldn’t wait until you graduate to apply. Start building the necessary skills and portfolio now.

What if I have tons of experience?

Even better! Let’s repackage your experience to win in 2024.

Can I work at a top company like Google, Apple or Microsoft?

You got it. We’ve done it once; we can do it again.

Can I do it with no experience, no connections and a completely unrelated degree?

Absolutely! That’s our specialty.

Build your Foundations!

I designed 3 Core Pillars that become the foundations of your employable self.

You Pillar

Learn how to sell YOU 🫵.

Stand out in job applications by showcasing your best self. Craft a captivating resume to land your dream job.


Create a fully optimised job application that will land you a job. Outshine everyone else with your best, most memorable self.

Mindset Pillar

Master the transition into corporate life 🏢.

Ignite your potential and unleash the best version of yourself through personal development tools. Conquer self-doubt, build confidence, embrace failure, and become unstoppable!


Identify and create the life of your dreams. Develop strategies and implement them, taking control of the direction of your life.

Soft skills Pillar

Develop essential soft skills for success 🧠.

Unlock your potential and elevate your career. Transform into the standout hire employers desire.


Be able to combine your existing technical knowledge with soft skills to become a star applicant and a stand-out hire.

Too good to be true? This is what our students are saying!

What do I get when I sign up?

Unlock unlimited access to our entire workspace, videos, downloads and much more…

Full Magma Workspace

Most Popular

Get lifetime access to everything at a great discount.

  • You Pillar Value = $116

  • Mindset Pillar Value = $61

  • Soft skills Pillar Value = $41

Total Value = $218


Or get access for just

$12 per month


Land a job in 3 months or your money back.

Are you sitting on the fence, unsure if our workspace is worth it? We're so confident in our results that if you don’t land a job in 3 months, you’ll get your money-back, guaranteed. That's right; if you’ve gone through our course and applied all the knowledge but still haven’t found results, we'll give you a full refund.

But let's talk truth—there's a whole world of transformation and success waiting for you on the other side of our workspace. We're all about your triumphs, which means we're not afraid to dish out some tough love to help you grow and crush those goals. We give you the tools, but you’ll have to put them into action to unlock the value.

So, buckle up because your journey to success starts right here!


  • To be eligible for the money back all you have to do is sign up for the full workspace with our upfront payment.

    Go through the content and apply it.

    If after 90 days from completing the last lesson you haven’t managed to land a job you’ll get your money back no questions asked.

    We take this risk so you know we mean business, and we aren’t playing around. Your money matters and if you don’t get the results then that’s on us for not helping you more.

  • We have brought together resources and knowledge from experts across the globe and combined it with our personal stories to build the courses. We’ve scoured the internet and brought together journal articles, Ted Talks, podcasts, YouTube videos, TikToks, Blog posts, LinkedIn posts, downloadable frameworks…. the list goes on.

    We’ve weeded through all the useless videos out there and packaged everything in a simple and clear way to help you achieve your dream outcome. For every video we’ve included there were 10 we rejected.

    We’ve weaved it all with our own personal examples to show you not only how to use the frameworks but also share our learnings we’ve accumulated over the years to help you avoid making the same mistakes.

  • At this time we have not set up any payment plan options or after pay. If this would interests you then reach out to us and we’ll set it up for you.

  • These courses were made for you! The courses were written with a University student with minimal experience in mind. We detail what to do to leverage your inexperience and compete with people who have been in industry for a few years.

  • Outside of us featuring a few resources that many Universities provide access for free. The courses were written for inexperienced students in mind. You don’t have to be enrolled in a University to take advantage of all the knowledge within the workspace.

  • Whether you are currently employed, currently applying for jobs, about to start applying or you’ve just graduated from high school there is value to be had at each stage. We go as far back as understanding yourself and finding your career path all the way to personal development and how to be a star employee.

    There is value for every stage and if you find it isn’t applicable we have a 14-day money back guarantee.

Still unsure? Reach out to us

If you have any questions about the workspace, the content or you just want to say “Hi 👋”. Shoot us a message here.